It is very important the investors look out constantly for the happenings in the companies where they have invested. A major way in which this can be done is by reading through the quarterly reports of each company and analyse them. These reports depict whether there are profits or losses in the company and also regarding the various areas where the company has invested its funds and what results it expects out of such investments.
Jupiter Asset Management recently released its quarterly reports which were earnestly awaited and here we go with the results.
Jupiter Asset Management has reported a rise in the first quarter of 2019 in its assets under management.
Assets Under Management amounted to about £42.7bn in December 2018 and by March 2019, they have risen by about £1.4bn to £44.1bn.
This shows that the company’s assets under management have risen by about 0.032% which means that the company is acquiring small milestones, one at a time. If this rate is consistent throughout the year, then the total percent of growth would be about 0.1% per annum.
Net outflow shows what amount of money has been invested by a company in abroad ventures. The new outflows of Jupiter stood at about £482 millions for the quarter, which is 68% less than what the company invested in the same quarter in the last year, when the outflows were about 1.52bn. The company seems to be changing its focus from foreign investments to indigenous investment. Or the change in the strategy of investment.
The mutual fund outflows were £1bn for the quarter with half of it from one client transferring to a segregated mandate.
The rest of the mutual fund outflows were from its European Opportunities and other strategies like Funds of Funds, chiefly confined to the UK. This accounts to the drop in the net outflows.
What is happening here?
The company is investing more in the homeland than in its foreign ventures but the mutual fund outflows are sound enough to show that the company is growing steadily though at a lower rate, from the previous quarter.
If you are an investor, you may choose to continue investment in Jupiter if you have a long-term plan. The growth is a little slow for the short-term investment options and Jupiter is not the best option for such investments as of now.
The levels of Assets Under Management (AUM) has raised by a considerable amount from the previous quarter. So, it is extremely necessary to watch this graph very closely because the market is highly volatile.
So, these were a few insights on the Jupiter quarterly results which was recently released by the company. In spite of political events like Brexit, the company has managed to sustain its profits and AUM’s. The company, as of now, has much potential to grow, though with slight fluctuations. Also, the change in the strategy of investments by the company will have its impact on the AUM, which can be assessed only in the next results.